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TurboCAD 2020 Deluxe
TurboCAD Deluxe 2020 is ready-to-use 2D drafting, 3D modeling, and rendering software. Easily adjust the interface for your level of experience to access hundreds of drawing, modification, dimensioning, and annotation tools. Quickly render designs for powerful presentation, share with AutoCAD and more.
TurboCAD Deluxe continues to be the best solution on the market for new 2D/3D CAD users. It’s easy to learn and use and offers an incredible collection of 2D drafting, 3D surface modeling, photorealistic rendering, and supported file filters. Over 20 new and improved features have been added in 2020.
Complete Set of 2D/3D Drafting, Design, and Modeling Tools - TurboCAD employs a large selection of line, arc, curve, spline tools, and other expected tools, so that no matter the situation you’ve got access to the right tool for the job. When used with TurboCAD snaps, modification tools, and drawing aids you will be able to quickly draft and document your designs.
Context-Sensitive Help - Right-click to instantly access recently used tools, recently entered values, and a quick way to change or reset reference points. If a TurboCAD tool is active, the context menu provides a contextual toolbar as well, with additional similar tools and functions.
Flexible User Interface - Turn on and off only the tools you want to see as you work in a familiar, windows-like, customizable interface. Display TurboCAD’s comprehensive set of 2D/3D design tools with full explanations in the beginner mode. Switch to intermediate or expert mode to gain screen space as you become more familiar with the program.
Page Set Up Wizard - Breeze through questions designed to help you define your drawing’s size and orientation, units of measurement, printing scale and viewpoints.
Advanced Handle-Based Editing - Save time and draw more accurately, more quickly. TurboCAD provides handles for scaling, but also for rotating, moving and aligning objects. Plus, the totally flexible design of the Conceptual Selector allows users to customize any visual and editing parameters available in the application (eg. Move, scale, or rotate).
Snaps & Geometric Alignment Aids - Draw lines quickly and let snap tools automatically align them with the closest center point, end point, or dozens of points you choose. Geometric alignment aids improve snap indicators.
Window or Crossing Selection - Users can select objects with a mouse by using the Window or Crossing methods similar to AutoCAD®. Drag the mouse from left to right to invoke Window mode and select only objects that are entirely within the blue window. Drag the mouse from right to left to invoke Crossing mode and select only objects that touch the green Crossing window.
2D & 3D Text Editing - Create and edit text without leaving your drawing. Plus, choose from thousands of colors for text and background.
Floating and Shaped Viewports - Create viewports of Model space in multiple Paper spaces. Edit your viewports by changing their shape or the layers that they display, with the ability to turn on/off layers per viewport. You can even render within a viewport.
Optimized for 3D Printing - TurboCAD Deluxe both reads and writes STL files, the standard in 3D Printing world. TurboCAD Deluxe 3D printing features include surface simplification controls and a 3D Print button for 3D Systems printers.
Multiple Drawings/Multiple Paper Space - Build multiple drawings, each with multiple paper spaces, with independent settings (grid units, etc.); then use tabs to quickly switch between paper spaces.
Convert to Arcs Polyline - Convert a Bezier or Spline curve into a polyline composed entirely of circular arcs, or entirely of circular arcs and linear segments.
Stellated Polygon - Create star-shaped polygon objects in two clicks! Adjust properties for a variety of starred shapes.
Table Objects - Create a table on the fly, or import a table from DWG/DXF files.
Fill Schedule Wizard - Create and fill the schedule table with drawing information.
House Wizard - This big, time-saving tool creates a preliminary room-by-room design of a home, complete with closets, doors, garage and even decks!
Intelligent Walls - Self-healing walls automatically join and intersect as you design in 2D or 3D. View wall dimensions with a single-click.
Automatic Wall Openings - “Slide” doors, windows, arches or any shape to create “openings” in walls with linked 2D and 3D views. Even set vertical alignment properties. Dimensions display as doors and windows are inserted, showing the distance to and from the wall ends for easier, more precise placement. Plus, corresponding offset fields display in the Inspector Bar.
Parametric Doors & Windows - Window and Door dimensions can be scaled to meet your design needs. Further customize with materials and colors.
Hatch Patterns and Fills - Choose from over 70 hatch patterns (including colors) to visually identify various components of your drawing. Bitmaps, like your company logo, or gradient fills may also be used with transparency.
Fractional Dimensions - Display fractions in stacked, diagonal, or in-line layout to accommodate your personal preferences.
Point Marker Tool - Automatically number objects such as rooms, doors or windows. Great for creating legends, call outs, or simply mapping points and adding notes to your drawings.
House Builder Wizard - Create rooms on multiple workplanes for quick design of multi-story houses.
2D & 3D Boolean operations - Use two existing objects and combined, subtracted, intersected, or sliced to create a new object. Select multiple entities for addition or subtraction.
Revolve - Move a 2D object around a revolution axis to create a 3D object.
Extrude - Pull complex 3D models from simple 2D shapes.
Sweeps - Extrude shapes along a path, perfect for drafting irregular objects.
Chain Polyline - Chain Polyline allows for faster design by allowing you to connect intersecting objects or portions of objects into a single polyline which can be then extruded, revolved or swept.
3D Slice - TurboCAD makes it easy to slice, or divide, one or more 3D objects into new objects, by specifying the slicing plane. The 3D slice tool offers the ability to slice by line, by plane, by workplane, by surface, and by facet.
Color Transparency - Screen back the color of an object in the foreground to display or emphasize hidden details in the background.
Slot Tools - Three new slot tools for inventors, woodworking and furniture design include slot, circular slot, and circular slot by center and radius.
Photorealistic Rendering Engine - TurboCAD Deluxe 2018 uses the LightWorks rendering engine to create stunning presentations. LightWorks integrates directly with TurboCAD’s Material Editor and includes Luminance and other lighting controls
Lights and Materials - A material editor, along with a complete library of materials, is included with TurboCAD Deluxe 2018 to define physically accurate materials, including reflective surfaces with ray tracing and radiosity. There is also support for lighting and luminance. LightWorks will substitute the materials and lighting of images previously rendered with RedSDK®
Design Director - Organize, access, and explore design alternatives easily in the Design Director Palette. Create layer templates, light templates, camera templates and powerful layers for use on different designs. Layer filters, that are .dwg compatible, help you manage large, complex drawings with ease. TurboCAD Deluxe 2018 layers are AutoCAD®2018 compatible, including a layers dialog based upon ‘Design Center’.
Colors, Brushes, Bitmap and Gradient Fills, and Transparency - TurboCAD® allows for hatch patterns and gradients to be layered with transparency. Custom bitmaps, such as your company logo, may be used as well. This empowers you to much more clearly and precisely communicate construction or assembly details.
Status Bar Memory Display Update - Once the Rendering mode for a selected object is initiated; the TurboCAD status bar now displays the respective memory usage along with the processing time.
Industry Standard Files Supported - TurboCAD Deluxe nearly 30 industry-standard formats making it easy to share your work or as a companion product.
Improved AutoCAD DWG/DXF Read/Write filters - TurboCAD has always offered excellent compatibility with native AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT files. Filter enhancements offers improved file sharing with AutoCAD 2020.
Xref Manager - Manage external references (Xrefs) like a parts catalog in your TurboCAD drawing. Xrefs can also be exported with DWG or DXF drawings for greater AutoCAD® file compatibility.
SketchUp SKP Read/Write Filters - TurboCAD offers both Read and Write file filters based on the latest SketchUp APIs. Import detailed information from your SketchUp model into TurboCAD. Supplemental rendering, lighting and materials information is also imported. You can also convert your TurboCAD models into native SketchUp (.SKP) files for seamless import into Google SketchUp.
3D Printer Support - Export 3D models to STL file format for rapid prototyping with 3D printers.
PDF Publishing - Save your drawing as PDF documents for easy sharing. Plus, export paper spaces, customize your fonts and define your paper widths and heights.
Performance, User Interface & Usability
Ribbon Large/Small icons, available space icon sizing
A new local menu option has been added when right-clicking on a Ribbon icon Users can now change the icon size/icon text to “Large Image and Text”, which allows for display of a larger image of the tool icon with associated text.
Changing the styles of Ribbon icons with a lack of free space
When using the Ribbon Interface, as you change either the UI Scale or Icon size through the Options/Toolbars and Menus /Options menu, the Size and Style (with or without text) of the icon will dynamically change.
Repeat Last Command
The new Repeat command allows user to repeat the previous command with a single click.
2D Drafting and Editing
Block and Group Editing Mode indicator bar
When editing a Block or Group, a (new) small toolbar appears in the upper-left corner of the drawing area. The toolbar displays the Block or Group name and includes a ‘Finish’ icon to return the user to the main Model Space.
Improved 3D Snap
Now, the intersection of two, 2D objects not in the same Work Plane can be snapped to. Useful for 3D modification tools such Lofting, Covering and Extrusions.
Paper Space Viewport Explode improvements
Exploded Viewports in Paper Space can now be created with Hidden Line and Non-renderable objects enabled. In addition, extra lines which appeared in multi-story house have now been removed
Best Fit Circle and Line
The new Best Fit Circle and Line tools allow the user to draw a circle which is best-fitted through 3 or more defined points or a line through 2 or more points. Points can be extracted from a specified location or from a specific object.
Auto-Numbering Feature
The Auto-numbering tool allows you to select multiple text entities and have them auto-numbered. Numbers are placed either at the end of each text block or can replace the text block.
Openings modifier
A new “Auto Modifier" option has added. With this option enabled, the Opening (wall clipping contour modifier will be generated automatically. Previously the Opening modifier had to be manually defined. If the opening modifier was not defined, then a rectangle (opening extents) was always used to make a hole on the wall. Only 3D objects are used as modifiers.
3mf textures – import/export:
Support of element shaders has been added to 3MF Import and Export.
Autocad® and sketchup files:
TurboCAD now supports Import/Export of the AutoCAD 2020 DWG and DXF file formats, and Import/Export of SketchUp 2020 SKP file format.
Easy to Learn and Use with set up wizards, context-sensitive help, snaps, alignment aids, and handle-based editing.
Improved Conceptual Selector Tool and New Timestamp for greater usability.
Design Director for object property management.
Easy 2D Drafting and Editing including New Centerline and Center Mark Tools.
Surface Modeling Tools like 2D/3D Booleans, extrude, revolve, sweeps, & more.
Architectural Design Tools including an Improved House Builder Wizard.
Photorealistic Rendering, materials, and lighting to create powerful presentations.
3D printing features with read/write of .STL files, surface simplification controls, and a 3D Print button for 3D Systems printers.
Excellent File Sharing with AutoCAD®2020 .DWG & .DXF, SketchUp .SKP, .TAP, FBX and 3MF files for mobile & more!
TurboCad Deluxe
TurboCad Professional
TurboCad Pro Platinum
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